Midjourney V6 Parameters List (UPDATED!)

If you’re diving into the generative art with MidJourney V6, you’ve landed in the right place. In this article, we’ll embark on an in-depth journey through the various MidJourney parameters that shape your AI Images using MidJourney’s powerful toolkit.

MidJourney V6 Parameters list:

Sr. No.ParameterDescription
1–aspect / –arChange the aspect ratio of a generation.
2–chaosChange how varied the results will be (0–100). Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations.
3–fastOverride current settings and run a single job using Fast Mode.
4–iwSets image prompt weight relative to text weight (0–2). Default is 1.
5–noNegative prompting, e.g., –no plants, attempts to remove specified elements from the image.
6–quality / –qDetermine rendering quality time (0.25, 0.5, or 1). Default is 1.
7–style randomAdd a random 32 base styles Style Tuner code to your prompt.
8–relaxOverride current settings and run a single job using Relax Mode.
9–repeat / –rCreate multiple jobs from a single prompt (1–40). Useful for quickly rerunning a job multiple times.
10–seedThe seed number generates visual noise for the initial image grids (0–4294967295). Using the same seed produces similar images.
11–stopUse the –stop parameter to finish a job partway through the process (10–100).
12–styleSwitch between Midjourney Model Versions and Niji Model Versions. Use /tune command to create Style Tuner codes.
13–stylize / –sInfluences how strongly Midjourney’s default aesthetic style is applied to jobs.
14–tileGenerates images suitable for repeating tiles to create seamless patterns.
15–turboOverride current settings and run a single job using Turbo Mode.
16–weird / –wExplore unusual aesthetics with the experimental –weird parameter (0–3000).
17–nijiSwitch to an alternative model focused on anime-style images (4 or 5).
18–version / –vUse a different version of the Midjourney algorithm (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, or 6).

Basic Parameters:

1. Aspect Ratios

The --aspect or --ar parameter allows you to wield control over the aspect ratio of your generation. It’s the canvas size on which your imaginative strokes will come to life.

2. Chaos

Inject a dose of unpredictability with the --chaos parameter, ranging from 0 to 100. Higher values open the floodgates to more unusual and unexpected results, adding a touch of randomness to your creations.

3. Fast Mode

Use the --fast parameter to override your current settings and expedite a single job using Fast Mode. Efficiency at your fingertips!

4. Image Weight

Balance the scales between text and image prompts with --iw. This parameter, ranging from 0 to 2, sets the image prompt weight relative to text weight, letting you fine-tune the interplay between the two.

5. No

Say “no” to unwanted elements! The --no parameter lets you negate prompts. For instance, --no plants would actively attempt to remove plants from the generated image.

6. Quality

Precision is key, and the --quality or --q parameter, set at 0.25, 0.5, or 1, lets you determine the rendering quality time you’re willing to invest. Adjust to your liking, balancing time and results.

7. Random Styles

Inject a burst of creativity with random styles using --style random. Experiment further with variations like --style random-16, --style random-64, or --style random-128. The possibilities are endless!

8. Relax Mode

Need a laid-back approach? Trigger --relax to override your current settings and engage in a single job using Relax Mode.

9. Repeat

Efficiency is key, and the --repeat or --r parameter helps you create multiple jobs from a single prompt. Handy for rapid iterations.

10. Seed

Unleash controlled chaos with the --seed parameter. Each image has a unique seed number, but you can specify one to produce similar images with the same prompt. It’s the TV static that kickstarts your visual symphony.

11. Stop

Control the creative process with the --stop parameter. Interrupt a job at a specific percentage (10–100) to curate a diverse range of results, from crisp details to dreamy blur.

12. Style

Navigate through Midjourney’s aesthetic evolution with the --style parameter. Choose between different versions or embrace the power of Style Tuners for custom codes.

13. Stylize

Tweak the strength of Midjourney’s default aesthetic with the --stylize or --s parameter. Find the perfect balance between default style and your creative touch.

14. Tile

Create visual harmony with the --tile parameter, generating images perfect for seamless patterns.

15. Turbo Mode

Feel the need for speed? Activate --turbo to override your current settings and run a single job using Turbo Mode.

16. Weird

Use the experimental with the --weird or --w parameter, exploring unusual aesthetics on a scale from 0 to 3000.

Model Version Parameters

Midjourney Model Versions

Stay up-to-date with MidJourney’s advancements by choosing a specific version with --version or --v (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, or 6). Each version brings improvements in efficiency, coherency, and image quality.

Niji Model

For anime enthusiasts, the --niji parameter lets you switch to an alternative model focused on anime-style images, with options 4 or 5.

Now equipped with a comprehensive understanding of Midjourney V6 parameters, venture forth and paint the digital canvas with your imagination.